On September 9, according to UnisatExplorer data, the total computing power of the current Fractal mainnet combined mining and license-free mining has reached 47EH/s. In UnisatMerged Mining, four miners mined a total of 327 blocks in 24 hours, of which AntPool ranked first with a hash rate of 5.431EH/s. In Permissionless Mining, eight miners mined a total of 1266 blocks in 24 hours, with SpiderPool ranking first with a hash rate of 437.2PH/s.
9月9日消息,据UnisatExplorer数据,当前Fractal主网合并挖矿和免许可挖矿总算力已达47EH/s。 UnisatMerged Mining中,4名矿工在24小时内共挖掘出327个区块,其中AntPool排名第一,哈希率为5.431EH/s; Permissionless Mining中,8名矿工在24小时内共挖掘了1266个区块,其中SpiderPool排名第一,哈希率为437.2PH/s。